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Vortrag P&A Insights 2016: Kulturpsychologische Marktforschung für KIK

Märkte, Marken, Methoden. Unter diesem Titel stand der Insight-Kongress 2016 von Planung & Analyse, der Anfang Juni stattfand. Der Beitrag von concept m: Ein gemeinsamer Vortrag von Rochus Winkler (concept m) und Lars Niersfeld (KIK 24) über die gemeinsame Forschungserfahrung für die Unternehmensmarke KIK. 

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Morphology in dialogue - AfM's 43rd annual conference

As a leading research institute and strategic think tank, concept m is in lively dialogue with the academic world, and the managing partners are popular guest lecturers and speakers at universities. To expand the dialogue between practical application of morphological market psychology and marketing theory,

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Initiative study: influencer marketing

The era of social media and internet channels is seeing fundamental changes in communication and influence models. New influencers such as YouTube personality LeFloid or fashion blogger Lena Terlutter are shaping opinions in their specific areas. concept m in cooperation with the OSK agency is studying the background to and rules of success

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Initiativ-Studie: Influencer Marketing

In der Ära der Social Media und Internet-Kanäle verändern sich die Kommunikations- und Beeinflussungsmodelle grundlegend. Neue Influencer wie der YouTuber LeFloid oder die Mode-Bloggerin Lena Terlutter bestimmen die Meinungsbildung in ihren spezifischen Szenen. concept m untersucht in Kooperation mit der Agentur OSK  die Hintergründe des Influencer-Marketings. Wie gelingt es den Influencern, sich als starke Meinungsführer […]

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Initiative study for consumer Generation Y in China

The new style of consumption in China is dominated by the Chinese Generation Y, consumers born between 1980 and 1990. In an initiative study on the “Generation of opportunities", concept m identified the very specific psychogram of this generation of consumers, torn between tradition and Western ways.

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Qual Online Toolbox: Morphological market research for digital daily life

Our digitalised culture offers many new opportunities for market research, but also a number of challenges. To maintain our insight into the highly complex everyday and consumer culture, market research has many new digital touch points available to take the consumer’s psychological pulse. With our morphological Qual Online Toolbox we can supply the appropriate research […]

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Case study Beverage Brand

A traditional juice brand which has been established for decades is looking for a new orientation in response to the new product and use trends, e.g. to-go drink situation or new power fruit flavours. The starting point for our brand advice is a comprehensive qualitative motivation and brand analysis which shows the potential target groups […]

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Case study Car Sharing

A car sharing provider wants to know which target groups it can reach with an innovative service concept, and what potential business can develop from this. Our target group research has two phases. In qualitative interviews we draw up personality profiles covering sociodemographic psychographic and motivational aspects. A subsequent quantitative segmentation study builds on the […]

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Case Study Content Marketing

An insurance company wants to find new ways to contact customers and also decide which concepts for topic management and content marketing through social media channels are appropriate for its own provider brand and are promising with central target groups. In the first stage, we carry out a screening of previous best practice cases, including […]

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Digital individual pricing in e-commerce – the consumer as roulette ball

Digital individual pricing makes microtargeting practicable for e-commerce providers. They can set their prices individually for each online shopper, based on location and likely purchasing power, time of day and probable mood for shopping,

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