Alle Beiträge in Autor: Dirk Ziems

Learn the lesson and know how to make communication right in China

Learn the lesson and know how to make communication right in China Due to the impact of trade war with USA, China’s 2019 economic outlook is not in its best shape. China's economic boom has been slowing down over the past few years and many corporations have already tightened their budget and cut down on […]

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Learn the lesson and know how to make communication right in China

Wer in China wirtschaftlichen Erfolg haben will, muss die chinesischen Verbraucher verstehen. Diese sind, so die Erfahrung der Autoren, noch auf der Suche nach einer eigenen kulturellen Identität, was Produkte angeht. Wie gründlich die Kommunikation hier schief gehen kann, zeigte ein Dolce & Gabbana Spot vor wenigen Monaten. Zum Artikel http://test.local/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/DSC08714_Final-e1485181744278-1024x897.jpg Für mehr Informationen kontaktieren […]

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The Chinese Year of the Pig and the Use of Zodiacs for Brand Marketing

The Chinese Year of the Pig and the Use of Zodiacs for Brand Marketing by Sami Wong (concept m China) & Dirk Ziems (concept m) In China, the Chinese Zodiacs are taken very seriously. They affect people's daily lives and influence their perception on different areas of life. And what about the commercial aspects? This […]

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Car Clinics are intense experiences where consumers deal with the vehicles directly and are given the opportunity to describe their perception. Successful organisation, depth-psychological moderation, and methodological analysis are decisive for the overall success of strategic and operative marketing. As a morphological institute, concept m offers individual solutions, tailor-made to your needs: Static Car Clinics […]

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It's about speaking the cultural language

It's about speaking the cultural language To understand China you need to unterstand Chinese cultural rules. Life in China's big cities is characterized by a lot of stress and acceleration in a fast moving society, but also affected by political decisions as the probable ban of western festivals, such as Christmas and Easter. All following […]

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A healthy change – a depth-psychological perspective

A healthy change – a depth-psychological perspective „Health is our greatest treasure“ – What’s the German approach to it? Germany is undergoing profound cultural change in many areas: digitisation is progressing at a rapid pace, transforming consumer behaviour, education and parenting. Demographic change requires society to adapt increasingly to the needs of elderly people, and […]

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Gesundheit im Wandel – Ein Blick aus tiefenpsychologischer Sicht

„Die Gesundheit ist das höchste Gut des Menschen“ – wie gehen die Deutschen damit um? Der kulturelle Wandel in Deutschland ist in vielen Bereichen spürbar: Ein rasantes Voranschreiten der Digitalisierung führt zu Veränderungen im  Konsumverhalten, als auch auf den Gebieten Bildung und Erziehung; aufgrund des demografischen Wandels richtet sich die Gesellschaft immer mehr auf die […]

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Does our personality affect our health?

Does our personality affect our health? New year – new me. According to a study by the DAK-Gesundheit, a German health insurance provider, about 40% of Germans make New Year’s resolutions. The most popular one: taking more care of my health. 60% of these people want to achieve their goal by reducing or avoiding stress, […]

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What does the target group “mothers” care about? Ask the mother whisperers!

What does the target group “mothers” care about? Ask the mother whisperers! Mothers are the decisive target group for many brands. Together with Hamburg-based advertising agency KloseDetering, we have interviewed more than 10,000 mothers and over 700 midwives and paediatricians around the globe. You want to know what we found out in several qualitative and […]

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Was die Zielgruppe „Mütter“ bewegt? Fragen Sie die Mütterflüsterer!

Mütter sind für viele Marken die alles entscheidende Zielgruppe. Mit der Hamburger Werbeagentur KloseDetering haben wir weltweit über 10.000 Mütter sowie mehr als 700 Hebammen und Kinderärzte befragt. Was wir in mehreren qualitativen und quantitativen Studien herausgefunden haben? Fragen Sie die Mütterflüsterer. http://test.local/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/DSC08714_Final-e1485181744278-1024x897.jpg Für mehr Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte: Thomas Ebenfeld Co-Founder and Shareholder

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