Alle Beiträge in Schlagwort: Archiv

Advertising in China – what is allowed and what isn’t

The trust in brands and products has been a big consumer issue in China since time immemorial. Over the years, the research of concept m has repeatedly confirmed this. The creation of trust is also the thinking behind the new national regulations for advertising which apply to all companies selling products or services in China. […]

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Brand positioning in China with the Zodiac archetypes

Brands are not present in China like they are in the West; the world of western consumption with its diversity and its magnificent brands only started to enter China around 15 years ago. As the providers are unable to draw on a long tradition like they can in Europe or the United States, they are […]

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How digital can a pharmaceutical sales force actually become?

Digitization of the sales force is a truly controversial issue at present. There really are clear arguments in favour of digitization, lower costs being only the most obvious one. In the background, new and efficient possibilities of customer retention exist. In many cases, a digital form of communication is superior to the classic visit of […]

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The image of the pharmaceutical industry from a consumer perspective

The image of the pharmaceutical industry is primarily determined by the media for a large part of the population. The media often supply their readers, viewers and listeners with stereotyped, exaggerated accounts. Headlines like “pharmaceutical industry: 'comes right after drug dealers in reputation'” (Focus online) evidently coincide with the consumers' expectations.

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The viability of market researchers

“We need more front runners!” is the conclusion of the study on the future of market research. The authors of the study, Rochus Winkler (concept m) and Marco Ottawa (Deutsche Telekom), present their results in the current issue of planung&analyse. Click here to read it. Rochus Winkler will be happy to provide more information on […]

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Die Zukunftsfähigkeit der Marktforscher

»Wir brauchen mehr Frontrunner!« So lautet das Fazit der Studie zur Zukunft der Marktforschung. Die Macher der Studie, Rochus Winkler (concept m) und Marco Ottawa (Deutsche Telekom), stellen ihre Ergebnisse in der aktuellen Ausgabe von planung&analyse vor.

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Werbung in China – was erlaubt ist und was nicht

Das Vertrauen in Marken und Produkte ist seit jeher ein großes Konsumenten-Thema in China. Dies hat die Forschung von concept m in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder aufs Neue bestätigt. Vertrauen zu schaffen, das steht gedanklich auch hinter den neuen nationalen Bestimmungen für Werbung,

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Authentische Forschung – so arbeitet concept m in China

concept m forscht in Peking nicht in irgendeinem klassischen Gewerbegebiet oder Businessdistrict, sondern in einem Hutong – dort, wo die Menschen ihr normales Leben führen. Uns geht es darum, den Alltag der Menschen so authentisch wie möglich zu erfassen, um daraus die Insights abzuleiten, die die Motivation der Konsumenten

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Authentic research – how concept m operates in China

In Beijing, concept m researches in a hutong (an alley where people lead their daily lives), rather than in a classic advertising district or business quarter. Our goal is to capture people’s everyday life as authentically as possible, to derive the insights which decisively determine consumer motivation. We do this in Berlin and Cologne, and […]

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Wie digital darf der Pharmavertrieb eigentlich werden?

Die Digitalisierung des Außendienstes ist derzeit ein wahres Reizthema. Dabei sprechen deutliche Argumente für die Digitalisierung, und hier geht es nur vordergründig um geringere Kosten. Im Hintergrund existieren neue und effiziente Möglichkeiten der Kundenbindung.

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