Alle Beiträge in Schlagwort: Archiv

The ban on sexism in advertising

Currently, there is much controversy about Minister of Justice Maas's plans to limit and ban sexist and misogynist (gender discriminatory) advertising. How should we evaluate the ban on sexism in advertising from the

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Morphologie im Dialog – 43. Jahrestagung des AfM

concept m pflegt als führendes Forschungsinstitut und strategischer Think Tank einen regen Austausch mit der Wissenschaft. Die Managing-Partner von concept m sind gern gesehene Gastdozenten und Gastreferenten an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen.

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What Generation Z has over Generation Y

What does Generation Z have over Generation Y? Every generation shapes its lifeworld and consumption world in its own way. The gathering pace of technological and social change also shortens the intervals between clearly differing consumer generations. The gap between Generation Y (25-35 today) and Generation Z (15-25) is only ten years, and the categories […]

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Was die Generation Z der Generation Y voraus hat


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Das Sexismus-Werbeverbot aus marktpsychologischer Sicht


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concept m research + consulting China 介绍


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Agency-Initiated Study: New Pharmacy Landscape

concept m is conducting a study on the changing pharmacy landscape in cooperation with the agency HAVAS. The pharmacy landscape is in flux. Pharmacies are facing numerous changes: globalisation, liberalisation, demographic change and epidemiological transition of patients are just a few of the buzzwords governing this process.

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Psychological pharmaceutical research on treatment cultures

Market analyses on pharmaceutical products, based on in-depth psychology, continue to be of prime importance even in times of “big” or “smart” data. After all, drug prescription and usage is influenced not only by conscious but also by unconscious emotional mechanisms and mental images,

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Multi-client study: quantitative segmentation of nutrition styles

concept m in cooperation with the agency KloseDetering is investigating current nutrition styles and developing a quantitative consumer segmentation. The qualitative research of concept m has shown: everyday eating habits are characterised by contradictions. The classic meal sequence has often been replaced by unstructured snacking – nevertheless, most consumers are still committed to conscious dietary […]

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Multi-client study: relevance check of content marketing

concept m in cooperation with Initiative Media is investigating the relevance and rules for success of content marketing today. Opinions about content marketing differ widely. For some, content marketing is the last beacon of customer targeting in a glut of media channels and advertising messages.

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