Alle Beiträge in Autor: Dirk Ziems

Jubiläum: 5 Jahre Alltagsstudio

Der Weg, den concept m 2011 beschritten hat, war neu, und er war – dies lässt sich nach fünf Jahren sagen – gut. Mit der Gründung des AlltagsStudios haben wir in der alltagsnahen Marktforschung Maßstäbe gesetzt. Die voll eingerichtete Forschungswohnung im Zentrum Berlins ermöglicht es uns, das Konsumentenverhalten in

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concept m auf dem Vodafone Enterprise Plenum - Kultur im Wandel

Das Jahr 2016 hat begonnen, und es wird ein Jahr des kulturellen Wandels sein, ein Jahr, in dem das Maximierungsbestreben des digitalen Zeitalters voranschreiten wird, andererseits aber alte Werte neu aufgenommen und in das alltägliche wie auch das wirtschaftliche Leben zu integrieren sind.

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concept m at the Vodafone Enterprise Plenum – Culture in Change

2016 has begun, and it will be a year of cultural change, a year in which the maximisation efforts of the digital age will forge ahead, while old values need to be readopted and integrated into everyday life and business. Thomas Ebenfeld, Co-Founder and Shareholder at concept m, was invited to speak on this topic […]

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Erfolgreiche Konferenz-Premiere – In-depth Implicit Research 2015

Das Lagerdenken in der Marktforschung ist längst Geschichte. Inzwischen gibt es weit mehr als freundliches Interesse für die Methoden der jeweils anderen Seite: Die Konferenz In-depth Implicit Research an der Universität der Künste (UdK)

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Successful conference première – In-Depth Implicit Research 2015

The entrenched mentality in market research is ancient history. Today, there is a more than friendly interest in the methods of the other side. The In-depth Implicit Research conference at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) on 6 November showed what results market researchers can achieve if they link psychology and technology. The breakthrough […]

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Market researchers as new multidisciplinary stars

“The euphoria over large volumes of data is offset by the risk of losing interpretational sovereignty,” is how Rochus Winkler, Co-Founder and Shareholder of concept m, describes market researchers’ tasks, competences and modes of working in rushed and unclear times. You can read the full article in the current issue of Absatzwirtschaft: Absatzwirtschaft Neue Kombinierer […]

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Marktforscher als neue Kombinierer

"Die Euphorie über Datenmengen steht dem Risiko gegenüber, die Deutungshoheit zu verlieren" so Rochus Winkler, Geschäftsführer concept m, über die Aufgaben, Kompetenzen und Arbeitsweise der Marktforscher

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Advertising in China – what is allowed and what isn’t

The trust in brands and products has been a big consumer issue in China since time immemorial. Over the years, the research of concept m has repeatedly confirmed this. The creation of trust is also the thinking behind the new national regulations for advertising which apply to all companies selling products or services in China. […]

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Brand positioning in China with the Zodiac archetypes

Brands are not present in China like they are in the West; the world of western consumption with its diversity and its magnificent brands only started to enter China around 15 years ago. As the providers are unable to draw on a long tradition like they can in Europe or the United States, they are […]

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How digital can a pharmaceutical sales force actually become?

Digitization of the sales force is a truly controversial issue at present. There really are clear arguments in favour of digitization, lower costs being only the most obvious one. In the background, new and efficient possibilities of customer retention exist. In many cases, a digital form of communication is superior to the classic visit of […]

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